Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Media Releases

The Andrews Labor Government gives the CFMMEU a seat at the table for building system review.

A loyalist of John Setka has been asked by this Labor government to review Victoria’s building system.

This is like giving a fox the keys to a hen house.

There is no place on a review panel for anyone who supports CFMMEU Leader, John Setka, a convicted thug and bully who was forced to resign from the Labor party under threat of expulsion because of charges of domestic violence.

The Building Industry was not consulted on this review, and with no terms of reference announced, the industry has no idea what aspect of the building and construction sector this review is seeking to improve.

Is it a review of the approval process? When will the final report be delivered to government?

Maybe this review should focus on the useless way the Andrews government’s regulator, the VBA, has conducted itself over the last five years?

Why aren’t more builders on the panel, which is also loaded with a number of individuals who have never worked a day in the building industry in their life?

So far, we know the nominated panel only includes one Australian with practical building experience, as well as the esteemed engineer Dame Judith Hackitt, who advised the British government on its response to the Grenfell Tower tragedy.

Dame Judith is an international expert who I met when she visited Melbourne in February, when Richard Wynne was too lazy to bother to see her.

I cannot believe that the Andrews Labor Government will inflict a grub from the CFMMEU, a union that has been fined for illegal activity so many times, on someone of Dame Judith’s stature.

Comments attributable to Shadow Minister for Planning, Tim Smith:

“Where is dodgy Planning Minister Dick Wynne? Why hasn’t he fronted the media today to explain these appointments? Is it because ‘Captain Snooze’ is still hiding under his doona because he won’t answer any questions about tainted Casey Planning Scheme Amendment C219?

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